Guilherme Ledes

A curious inquirer since 1986, husband of an incredible woman, father of 2 amazing girls and professional software engineer since 2007

More about me...
Guilherme Ledes

Over the past 16 years I have played various roles and worked in several project areas, such as healthcare, human resources, warehouse management, banking and others.

I developed a keen eye for the bigger picture of the projects, and I'm aways committed to implementing best practices and methodologies that enhance the entire development life-cycle of the project I'm involved on.

This includes adopting industry-standard, such as Domain Driven Design, Design Patterns, SOLID principles and Test-Driven Development. I would also point out Clean Code and Refactoring as catalogs used in my day-to-day work and the application of architectural patterns such as Clean Architecture, Hexagonal Architecture or Onion Architecture.

js ts nodejs jest express nestjs socket-io graphql html css linux docker kubernetes travis codecov azure heroku git github gitlab redis mysql postgres mongodb oracle ms-sql php java intersystems

Backend Engineer @ SPMS, EPE - Serviços Partilhados do Ministério da Saúde

Lisbon, Portugal

12/2021 - Present

My main role involves creating, supporting, and maintaining microservices for SPMS apps like SNS24, Telemonit SNS 24, and PEM Móvel. Additionally, I handle Kubernetes services, deployments, and load balancer configurations for these microservices.

I also proposed a significant buch of refactories using industry's design patterns and SOLID principles, and developed a set of shared modules for the microservices, enabling SOAP integration, FHIR communication, and REST requests more linear between services, and introduced Dependabot to efficiently manage project dependencies. Furthermore, I improved the logging scheme to a more accurate and lean one.

I achieved significant milestone for the project with implementation of the first production version of pipelines on Azure DevOps, streamlining the build, test, and deployment processes of the microservices for a greater reliability.

As a software testing evangelist within the team, I actively promote efficient and high-quality testing practices, inspiring and positively influencing my teammates to ensure reliable deliveries.

Skills: Node.js · TypeScript · TDD · SOLID Design Principles · Azure DevOps · Kubernetes · NestJS · Clean Code · Refactoring · DevOps · Microservices · Redis · FHIR · Microsoft Azure · Scrum · Agile Methodologies · Design Patterns · Test Automation · REST APIs · MongoDB · Jest

@ OSM Consultoria e Sistemas

Brasília, Federal District, Brazil

06/2014 - 12/2021 (7 years and 7 months)

@ 12/2014 as Senior Full Stack Developer

@ 12/2016 also as Solutions Architect

@ 10/2018 also as Innovation Coordinator

In this experience, my main role was to enhance and develop the company's primary product named MENTORH, a human resources management software using as main stack the Intersystems technology.

Notable accomplishments includes:

As an architect, I introduced Docker to optimize deployment in different customer environments, I also start to promote an agile development methodology in the company with Scrum.

Moreover, I successfully automated the building process using ANT scripts on the Intersystems Platform and I also led the migration of all source code from local infrastructure at Bazaar Server to GitLab structure, promoting a more efficient and reliable workflow.

I also brought a weekly 30 minutes workshop to talk about the top rated tech topic with the teammates, where the main goal was to equalize the knowledge, fill the gaps and drive a culture of continuous learning

As innovation coordinator, I was involved in the migration of the new system design, where the main stack was Nodejs and React

Skills: DevOps · Docker · Clean Code · Scrum · Agile Methodologies · Design Patterns · JavaScript · Node.js · TypeScript · Git · Linux · PHP · JQuery · Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) · Java · HTML · REST APIs · Intersystems Cache · Cache Object Script

@ Log Planning

Brasília, Federal District, Brazil

05/2010 - 05/2014 (4 years and 1 month)

(5 months) as Senior Full Stack Developer

(2 years and 10 months) as Full Stack Developer

(10 months) as Junior Full Stack Developer

In this experience, my main role was to develop the company's supply chain management solution called Alphalinc using as main stack the Intersystems technology. I also contributed to the company's Framework, @NetManager, and the building/deploy tool named ASDE (ANT Script).

Working with a global team spanning Brazil, Australia, and the United States, we followed Scrum using the Jira tool for collaboration, this was my introduction to an agile methodology.

Our customers included several segments like supply storage company, government pharmacy warehouses, fuel distribution company and electricity generation and transmission company.

This experience allowed me to work on challenging projects, collaborate internationally, and enhance my skills in a diverse range of technologies.

Skills: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) · Scrum · Agile Methodologies · C (Programming Language) · JavaScript · SQL · Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) · Java · HTML · Linux · Intersystems Cache · Cache Object Scrip

Systems AnalystsSystems Analysts @ FUNASA - Fundação Nacional de Saúde

Brasília, Federal District, Brazil

07/2009 - 05/2010 (11 months)

In this experience, I analyzed business needs and designed a database model to develop a solution for managing civil construction projects for the Federal Brazilian Government, specifically related to the PAC (Growth Acceleration Program). The solution aimed to address specific government requirements and ensure efficient project management. Through this project, I gained valuable insights into handling complex and large-scale initiatives.

Skills: ASP 3.0 · JavaScript · Microsoft SQL Server · Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) · HTML

Web Developer Trainee @ ANVISA

Brasília, Federal District, Brazil

01/2009 - 07/2009 (7 months)

I have been actively involved in the development and maintenance of several systems, including:

For these projects, I utilized a combination of ASP 3.0, Javascript, and PL/SQL to ensure their successful implementation. My responsibilities encompassed various aspects of the development process, contributing to the seamless functioning and ongoing support of these critical systems.

Skills: ASP 3.0 · JavaScript · Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) · HTML

Data Administrator Internship @ Sicoob

Brasília, Federal District, Brazil

04/2008 - 01/2009 (10 months)

I worked on maintaining ETL routines to load data into the data warehouse. This involved using T-SQL and PL/SQL stored procedures. I also handled reporting maintenance and creation using Crystal Reports, as well as VB6 development. Additionally, I was responsible for mantaining the data dictionary.

Skills: Transact-SQL (T-SQL) · IBM Db2 · Oracle Database · PL/SQL · Microsoft SQL Server

Web Developer Internship @ Apex-Brasil

Brasília, Federal District, Brazil

08/2007 - 04/2008 (9 months)

As an intern I learned to communicate with the user and to listen and understand more about their concerns. The project I worked on was a POC about employee travel management, and consisted of calculating food, transportation and accommodation costs using ASP 3.0, Javascript and CSS

Skills: ASP 3.0 · JavaScript · Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) · HTML

Lucas Vasconcelos

Intern @ Disclinc

“Guilherme was a great professional to work with. We have worked together and he helped me a lot to get started in the world of software development. His knowledge of abstraction, OO, design patterns, and architecture was incredible. Whenever the team need-

ed him, he was prepared to do his best, even during hard times. He always kept the team motivated and shared his knowledge, always focusing to innovate. Moreover, Guilherme is an expert on agile development methodologies and database management. He was an inspiration to me and I highly recommend him to any project.”

Thiago Roberto Pereira

Software Engineer @ OSM

“Guilherme is an excellent professional, he inspired me during my training as a programmer. Always looking for the best solutions to old problems that we find in OO, clean code, SOLID principles, clean architecture.”

Abel Tenorio

Software Engineer @ OSM

“Guilherme is an excellent professional, During the time we have worked together, we had great conversations about software development, OO and architecture . What really impress me was his ability to apply great inovations on and good practice on the product going beyo-

nd the current paradigma of the system currently developed. A lot of sofisticated solutions were implemented by him during the time we have worked together, all i have to say about this guy is: He can be quite an aquisition for your team.”